every little child every child is lost
every little dream in the night is lost
every little fire every fire is lost
the moon and the stars and the earth are lost
every little boy every girl are gone
all the magic spells in the air are lost
the father the son the ghost are lost
the mothers the lovers the motherfuckers too
every little song ever sung is lost
every little pray ever prayed is lost
I tried to walk with my eyes closed
to find the way but I was lost
oh my love
we take a leap into the great unknown
oh my love
we spin into the great unknown
every little child every child is lost
every little dream in the night is lost
every little boy every girl are gone
every little flame in the night is lost
every little thing in the world is lost
every little world in the dark is lost
there are shadows dancing in the outer space
and the outer space in your eyes is lost
oh my love
we swim into the great unknown
oh my love
we make love into the great unknown
oh my darling
we fade into the great unknown
oh my love
we are into the great unknown
Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Great Unknown di Are You Real?:
La canzone The Great Unknown si trova nell'album Songs From My Imaginary Youth uscito nel 2016 per Dischi Soviet Studio , Audioglobe, Sisma.

L'articolo Are You Real? - The Great Unknown testo lyric di Are You Real? è apparso su Rockit.it il 2021-03-30 13:38:26