“Madeleine”, è l'album di debutto delle Madalenas, duo composto dalle cantanti e strumentiste Cristina Renzetti e Tati Valle. Le due soliste, tra le interpreti più più attive di musica brasiliana in Italia, si sono incontrate per unire le loro voci, chitarre e percussioni e per dare vita ad un progetto unico, giocoso, pieno di freschezza e intensità.
Il loro repertorio comprende brani di musica d’autore brasiliana completamente rivisitati, la sognante “Madeleine” di Paolo Conte che dà il titolo al disco, un brano di Arto Lindsay e alcuni inediti.
Il concerto delle Madalenas è uno spettacolo policromo e dinamico:ora intime, ora energiche, le due musiciste si scambiano strumenti e intenzioni, la lingua italiana e quella portoghese esprimendo la forza e la delicatezza del
mondo femminile e le diverse sfumature del folklore brasiliano, del samba e dello swing.
As Madalenas
At last Madeleine is launched. This is the work of the Madalenas, a duo formed by singers and players Cristina Renzetti and Tati Valle.
Among the most active interpreters of Brazilian music in Italy, both soloists have joined to put together their voices, guitars and percussion and give life to a unique, fresh and intense project.
In the repertoire, you will find Brazilian songs completely revisited, Paolo Conte’s Madeleine, the song that gives the name to the album, a song by Arto Lindsay as well as some brand new pieces.
The Madalenas concert is a multi varied and dynamic show: at times intimate, other times energetic, and, with the exchanging of instruments and intentions, the Italian and Portuguese languages convey the strength and the delicacy of the woman’s world and the diversity of the Brazilian culture going from samba to swing.

As Madalenas
As Madalenas
+Cristina Renzetti & Tati Valle
Special guest in Madeleine:
Gabriele Mirabassi in Ciranda da Chuva
Giancarlo Bianchetti in Olhar do Mar, Madeleine, Trem das Onze, Ciranda da Chuva e Simply Are
Tolga During in Rita
Marco Zanotti in Deusa do Amor
Cristina Renzetti, singer and composer, is one Italian interpreter with greatest expertise in the Brazilian repertoire. She has already four albums of her own and has contributed to many others at the national and international scenes. With the Jacaré Band she recorded “Il Primo Pass” (Irma records 2007) and “La Fuga di Majorana” (Alfamusic 2011), was granted the Iceberg Award and Mooving’ Up (Giovani Artisti italiani). From 2006 through 2011, she visited and worked back and forth from Italy and Rio de Janeiro, and in 2011, she had her first solo album (“Origem é giro” (Delira Musica). She is the soloist of Rosa, a song by Pixinguinha, in the film “Un giorno devi andare” by Giorgio Diritti (BIM 2013). She is also the singer of “Correnteza”, the trio conducted by clarinetist Gabriele Mirabasse.
She has already performed in many clubs and festivals in Europe and in Brazil, such as the Bologna Jazz festival, Orsara Jazz Festival, Crossroads Festival, Bé Bologna estate, Dolimiti Ski Jazz, Trentino in Jazz festival, Malta Fringe Jazz festival, and in the International Festival “From Bach to Bartok”.
She has also sung and collaborated with Gabriele Mirabassei, Cristina zavalloni, David Linx, Pasquale Mirra, Roberto Taufic, and Giancarlo Bianchetti.
Tatiana Valle, a singer, player and composer from Lodnrina (Paraná – Brazil), has experienced diverse musical styles in Brazil and launched several projects related to samba as she took part of many television and radio programs. She came to Italy in 2007 and soon started to collaborate to the Brazilian Jazz music scenario. In the same year, she recorded the compilation “Nativity” that was distributed by the Newspaper Il Centro.
In 2009, she took part of the concert season of Brasov with the Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Valter Sivilottii.
She has been performing with several musicians such as Bruno Marcozzi, Nicola di Camillo, Angelo Trabucco, Eddy Palermo Trio, Cristina Renzetti, Adauto Dias and Piero delle Monache with whom she recorded “Aurum” (Parco della Musica 2013).
Together with Giò di Tonno, she has produced the single “Come é bello Aspettare” (2011) which has made a great success with live presentations in several radio and television programs such as “Domenica In”, “Quelli che il calico”, “I Fatti Vostri”, “Castrocaro 2011”.
She has collaborated with guitar player Gustav Lundgrem, with whom she performed during the prestigious Scandic Gran Central of Stockholm and in 2013 she launched the “Frederick Carlquist and Gustav Lundgren Bossa Nova vol.I “(Lundgren Music).
In 2014, her first solo album “Livro dos dias” was launched by EDEL/CRAMPS.
Obrigada Giulio!!