Atrox - Steeped In Misery As I Am testo lyric


Deserts of vast eternity
from which I cannot escape
Oh, woe be upon me
The pain of solitude

Choirs of damnation
Chanting in my dreams
'Life shall be no more
Life - thou shalt diea

Not shall the knife
Sleep in my hand
I lament and bewail
As my soul withers

Alone I wander
This be the fate I choose
An inner, desolate void
I shall fear no more


La canzone Steeped In Misery As I Am si trova nell'album Mesmerised uscito nel 1996.

Copertina dell'album Mesmerised, di Atrox

L'articolo Atrox - Steeped In Misery As I Am testo lyric di Atrox è apparso su il 2008-02-28 00:00:00


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