Fanny, they killed me
There’s blood on the floor
I did scream, but none heard me
None came to the door
Fanny, they killed me
And concealed my corpse
I called out but nothing occurred
Or just wanted to occur
Fanny, they killed me
They’ve been following me
For nights and days
None believed me
I knew they wouldn’t come
Until I was alone
Till I was alone
Will they believe me now?
Will they believe me
Instead of stating I wasn’t found?
Will they believe me, oh?
Fanny, they killed me
You know what I mean
Is it fancy, is it real
It is murder indeed
Fanny, they killed me
They leapt out of the dark
And shot one by one
None believed me
When I said it would happen
One of these days
One of these days
One of these days
One of these days
Fanny, they killed me
Fanny, they killed me
They killed me, they killed me
They killed me, they killed me
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Fanny, They Killed Me di Augustine:
Sara Baggini: voci, chitarra, synth, stomp-box, drum machine.
Fabio Ripanucci: chitarra, Moog, drum machine.
Massimo Margaritelli: basso.
La canzone Fanny, They Killed Me si trova nell'album Proserpine uscito nel 2021 per I Dischi del Minollo, Audioglobe, CD Baby.

L'articolo Augustine - Fanny, They Killed Me testo lyric di Augustine è apparso su Rockit.it il 2021-07-01 11:29:06