[Verse 1]
Gotta keep my mouth out of troubles
But troubles seem to follow me
Gotta keep my head in the battle
But your eyes keep bothering me
Oceans between us
I didn’t know we could get lost
In your waves of emotions, darling
What do you really want?
[Verse 2]
Now I’ve had enough of your excuses
Everytime I come to you, we all know that
It’s harder to swim when the water is deep
So just wave me goodbye before you go
Oceans between us
I didn’t know we could get lost
In your waves of emotions, darling
What do you really want?
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Oceans Between Us di Aurora D'Amico:
Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Belle proposte (di @ff3590 con 16 brani)
VIDEO Oceans Between Us

La canzone Oceans Between Us si trova nell'album So Many Things uscito nel 2017 per Audioglobe, 800A Records.

L'articolo Aurora D'Amico - Oceans Between Us testo lyric di Aurora D'Amico è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-09-03 13:11:59