autune - Story of a Bee, a Drop, and a Tree (feat. Marco Minoia & Elias) testo lyric

12/11/2023 - 21:34 Scritto da autune autune 1


I'll tell you the story of my mental journey
what I was missing for all this time
I'll tell you that you are the first time
like the Neil's step on the moon
I saw that dress
that blooms on you
a thing that I've unearthed
like the air created by oaks
as the honey producers
and the cloud's tears

Be the oxygen
that made me like
a lily pond
Be like the bee
the dew
the trees
the bee, the dew, the trees

(anata wa watashi no komorebi ni narimashita)
(anata wa watashi no komorebi ni narimashita)

Be the oxygen
that made me like
a lily pond
Be like the bee
the dew
the trees
the bee, the dew, the trees


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Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Radici (di @rockitadmin con 863 brani)


La canzone Story of a Bee, a Drop, and a Tree (feat. Marco Minoia & Elias) si trova nell'album Komorebi uscito nel 2022 per Believe Digital, TRULLETTO RECORDS.

Copertina dell'album Komorebi, di autune

L'articolo autune - Story of a Bee, a Drop, and a Tree (feat. Marco Minoia & Elias) testo lyric di autune è apparso su il 2023-11-12 21:34:30


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