He was a boy
he came from a good family
he just wanted to search for himself
he was looking for a good job and a good future
and he was looking for it into the big city
His mother recommended him
to be careful
and he answered
that there was nothing to be afraid of
that he had many friends
a girl somewhere
and there was nothing more
that he wanted
But every night
behind the mirror
he observe
another person
blond hair
make up
and a strange light in the eyes
Behind the mirror
you are someone else
behind the mirror
you can see
the beauty and the beast
who kick out
hidden inside you
One day he came home
he was changed
and his mother
didn't recognize him
the beautiful girl
in front of her
Mum I choose
my own way
and I went it
I wanted something more
I found my true love
and he loves me too
what can you desire more from me?
Behind the mirror
you are someone else
behind the mirror
you can see
the beauty and the beast
who kick out
hidden inside you
She was afraid
she didn't understand
how did it happen
how was it possible
with wet eyes
she look her child
and kissed him
Behind the mirror
you are someone else
behind the mirror
you can see
the beauty and the beast
who kick out
hidden inside you
Behind the mirror you can see
behind the mirror you can see
who you really are
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Behind the Mirror di Axidental Encounters:
La canzone Behind the Mirror si trova nell'album 11 TO 11 uscito nel 2012.

L'articolo Axidental Encounters - Behind the Mirror testo lyric di Axidental Encounters è apparso su Rockit.it il 2013-03-31 03:05:23