BACCAMBA'RUS - The Growler testo lyric


The Growler
[….,,,,,,,,vintage echo,,,,.]

[introspective atmosphere :; dumbec + pick lick guitar + Indy efx]
.. Valiant..
…. Valiant.
[…………..] Valiant..

First Verse
“Hard to find..
A moral illusion
So close is my heart
Wherever a blab..
A black diamond..
If so easy to ride there
Be cause [dumbec double hit..]

Someone gave me a choice..”

Fade in ==>

[..Instrumental PG riff guitar ostinato..]

“..lf so easy to ride there..”
“…. so easy to ride there..”

Come in contour bass & guitar

“..lf so easy to ride there..”

Reflex phrase
[violin squier glissato]

“..if so easy to ride there..) easy to ride there”

Second verse (encouraged)
“Never lies in my morn..
A freeze err..

The Lover – Nether – Growler
has a seed there
A speedy routin’ in my
own bezique bios are..
As a regel for
your hack..
A refund is a loveable
To refine an easy spare bowl
It is so easy for a Rider..
But not so pleasing for a teeny Growler..”

Fade in ==>
[..Instrumental lead gear guitar solos..]

Third verse / Fourth verse
“A new gear..
For a rubble..
((Built as a Shadow))
((Shield for sheet..))”

[in submental feedback violin percussioni guitar and bass]

==> Fade out


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Growler di BACCAMBA'RUS:


La canzone The Growler si trova nell'album Dust Rain Waiting for McGregor uscito nel 2018.

Copertina dell'album Dust Rain Waiting for McGregor, di BACCAMBA'RUS

L'articolo BACCAMBA'RUS - The Growler testo lyric di BACCAMBA'RUS è apparso su il 2020-10-15 17:42:22


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