Back From The Grave - Born To Die testo lyric


Live your life as it come
or cum in it face
Live your life as you want
because is just the same
I’m the evil voice inside your head I’m the evil pulse inside your chest Can i fell the apathy burning my skin Can i fell the apathy burning my skin
Till the bitter end Till the bitter end Till the bitter end Till the end
Till the death
We are born to die Never surrender We are born to die Never surrender We are born to die Never surrender
Never surrender Never surrender Never surrender Never surrender
Live your life as it come
or cum in it face
Live your life as it come
because is just the same
I’m the evil voice inside your head I’m the evil pulse inside your chest Can i fell the apathy burning my skin Can i fell the apathy burning my skin
Till the bitter end Till the bitter end Till the bitter end Till the end
Till the death
We are born to die Never surrender We are born to die Never surrender We are born to die Never surrender
Never surrender Never surrender Never surrender Never surrender


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Born To Die di Back From The Grave:


La canzone Born To Die si trova nell'album STORM uscito nel 2018 per Duff Records.

Copertina dell'album STORM, di Back From The Grave

L'articolo Back From The Grave - Born To Die testo lyric di Back From The Grave è apparso su il 2022-01-14 18:39:46


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