Backlit - Black Hole

01/12/2017 - 10:59 Scritto da Backlit Backlit 0

World should stop
looking for a sun
he should not lose more years
around him
he should break the chains of gravity
and leave the system behind

World shoud wake up
and run away from the Milky Way
maybe he'll find a black hole
maybe he'll orbit around him
they say it's his way
to love

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
is just to love and be loved in return"

World should see
that soon it will be too late
when he'll fall into the black hole
noone will come to save him
he will be alone when all hope will be gone
and nothing else will remain

World should rest
please, turn off the stars
let the universe
lay down
in the peace of the night

L'articolo Backlit - Black Hole di Backlit è apparso su il 2017-12-01 10:59:24


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