What happens when an occidental background cultureless, apart from classic tv fake idols, emigrates from Africa to Miracles-Italy ?
What happens when he's young, when he has no future apart from standing at the corner of the street in S. Salvario probably for the rest of his life?
Well, we could say too many - or too few - standards, for sure they won't be close enough to what BANE decided: make music
BANE, Africa, Music. So telled it fits thoroughly, but if we add electronic music, maybe we stand even more out of the patterns.
Second act
At this point imagine a random afternoon when Guido Savini sees the colored guy crossing the street and entering Astoria with a mastered cd with the only marker-writing BANE on it.
Material is so striking that even without asking the name, provenience or age SRSLY collaboration comes to life, and few days after BANE's set is scheduled at the opening of Liars and The Haxan Cloak performance at Milan #C2C12 preview.
From that moment the story settles around a table, for obvious reasons his identity must be hidden so SRSLY is committed to visionary genius REBELYUTHS to dress the young producer.
In the meantime BANE is still untracked, he leaves no contact, he can be found only at the same time at the same corner in S. Salvario.
L'articolo Biografia Bane di Bane è apparso su Rockit.it il 2013-01-14 11:33:28