Baseball Gregg - Better Days testo lyric


A life designed for fun
While time waits to be born
Among a smoking gun

I close my eyes to dream
A world beyond you and me
But I cannot see anything

Thirty spins around the sun
I feel like I am almost done
Thirty spins around the sun
I am done

I thought I might be bright
Enough to give you all sight
To help you see how I see

I tried to be the sun
I tried to force everyone
To run their laps around me

Thirty spins around the sun
I feel like I am almost done
Thirty spins around the sun

Earth spins within
And earth spins without me
Nature dreams joyfully
striving to be

Earth spins within
And earth spins without me
Nature dreams joyfully
striving to be

Earth spins within
And earth spins without me
Nature dreams joyfully
striving to be

Earth spins within
And earth spins without me
Nature dreams joyfully
striving to be

Earth spins within
And earth spins without me
Nature dreams joyfully
striving to be


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Better Days di Baseball Gregg:

VIDEO Better Days

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La canzone Better Days si trova nell'album A Life Designed for Fun uscito nel 2022 per La Barberia Records, Believe, Z Tapes.

Copertina dell'album A Life Designed for Fun, di Baseball Gregg

L'articolo Baseball Gregg - Better Days testo lyric di Baseball Gregg è apparso su il 2025-03-05 18:23:48


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