Baseball Gregg - Biting My Tongue testo lyric


I feel nothing from the sound
Simply definition bound
Poetry nor prose
Pull the thorns out with the rose

These new words sound so clinical and cold
Feeling so timid where I used to feel bold
Avoiding the void as I keep

Biting my tongue
Biting my tongue

Stop - playback and rewind
They’re playing games with my mind
Minds I cannot read
Nevermind, never sincere

Braving new worlds - I look so cynic and closed
Feeling so timid where I used to feel bold
Staring the void as I keep

Biting my tongue
Biting my tongue

Stop - I need a full reset
These days I’ve been really upset
Russo-ukrainian war
Getting rid of canker sores

Exploring new worlds - they are identical to home
Feeling so timid where I used to feel bold
Loving the void as I keep

Biting my tongue
Biting my tongue
Biting my tongue
Biting my tongue

She's biting her fingernails
Picking her skin all night
Pull hair side to side
Distressful thoughts
And dark feelings of unease

Biting my tongue
And I bite it so long that blood
Flows into my mouth
A brand new type of mouthwash

Sensing new pains - as I forget the old ones
Feeling so timid where I used to feel bold
Embracing the void as I keep

Biting my tongue
Biting my tongue
Biting my tongue
Biting my tongue


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Biting My Tongue di Baseball Gregg:


Music & Lyrics - Luca Lovisetto & Sam Regan


La canzone Biting My Tongue si trova nell'album Pastimes uscito nel 2022 per La Barberia Records, Believe, Z Tapes.

Copertina dell'album Pastimes, di Baseball Gregg

L'articolo Baseball Gregg - Biting My Tongue testo lyric di Baseball Gregg è apparso su il 2025-03-05 18:23:48


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