Baseball Gregg - Montese testo lyric


And as I keep getting old
Slowly all the things unfold upon my sight
It’s blinding me - it’s summertime

Reality renders as I descend
Braking and slowing down
Because my fear of death
Won’t let me get up from my saddle when

When better days
Do lie ahead
Cause I lie on my bed
& all my lies in my head
As always

And if someday you will need to cry
Harsh winds they’ll freeze and dry
Cold diamonds in your eyes
These ancient tears of wintertime

Through perfect cuts we can look ahead
To after we’re all dead and
In the end it’s fine
Now please lay me down and i’ll rest in time

And better days
They lie ahead
Cause I lie on my bed
& all my lies on my head
As always


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Montese di Baseball Gregg:


Music & Lyrics - Luca Lovisetto & Sam Regan
Cello - Cristina Muñoz
Back vocals - Asia Martina Morabito


La canzone Montese si trova nell'album Pastimes uscito nel 2022 per La Barberia Records, Believe, Z Tapes.

Copertina dell'album Pastimes, di Baseball Gregg

L'articolo Baseball Gregg - Montese testo lyric di Baseball Gregg è apparso su il 2025-03-05 18:23:48


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