Baseball Gregg - OnlyFans testo lyric


I know nothing is free
I pay a fee to see
Show your world to me

You’re online every night
Show me your delight
I wanna stream you in my room
Baby tell me what’s your price

One look of your supple skin i forget
I’ll never kiss your lips

You want to know how we met
A two minute clip for free
The rest is destiny
I want to subscribe right
The package with the best price
50 dollars more and I can text you anytime I like

One look of your supple skin I forget
I’ll never kiss your lips


Premi play per ascoltare il brano OnlyFans di Baseball Gregg:


La canzone OnlyFans si trova nell'album Windows of My House uscito nel 2022 per La Barberia Records, Believe, Z Tapes.

Copertina dell'album Windows of My House, di Baseball Gregg

L'articolo Baseball Gregg - OnlyFans testo lyric di Baseball Gregg è apparso su il 2025-03-05 18:23:48


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