Baseball Gregg - Past Times testo lyric


Please be by my side
Or otherwise I’ll cause a mess
One of these days you will see

Laying down in the grass
Another moment of the past
That has led me where I am

And I have never been older
Or been younger
Than I am
Today with you

And I don't wanna see you no more
please I just wanna feel like before
Cause I don't wanna see you no more
For God's sake, please please, no more

Pastimes are past times
Bid adieu to your girlish days
Love’s unhappy when love’s away

Let bygones be bygones
Emoji means emoticon?
So ;( sad emoji with a tear

And since then we're all floating in space
So many thoughts have been lost in this maze
Still, I beg peace
As we confront this mess

And I don't wanna see you no more
please I just wanna feel like before
Cause I don't wanna see you no more
For God's sake, please please, no more


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VIDEO Past Times

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La canzone Past Times si trova nell'album A Life Designed for Fun uscito nel 2022 per La Barberia Records, Believe, Z Tapes.

Copertina dell'album A Life Designed for Fun, di Baseball Gregg

L'articolo Baseball Gregg - Past Times testo lyric di Baseball Gregg è apparso su il 2025-03-05 18:23:48


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