Baseball Gregg - Penetration testo lyric


Complain that talk of rubbing off might rub off on your kid
Host debate on all the reasons I became who I did
Salivate under the weight of a tender kiss
Growing up within a world in which you don’t exist
Try not to fall for a married man twice my age
Failing because I now refuse to live afraid
Watch the news, seems like killing us is all the rage
You can try, we are never gunna go away
(Here to stay)
$40 for a special lube to ease the pain
(Not afraid)
Of penetration when you bullet fucks my brain
Comfort shields you from looking at reality
But we can penetrate beyond the all consuming dream
Fumbling without control and that is why we must
Find a way to make a new world that belongs to us
(Here to stay)
$40 for a special lube to ease the pain
(Not afraid)
Of penetration when you bullet fucks my brain
Just for today
Let's go away
We’ll find a place
Where we can play
In the face of it all
(Here to stay)
$40 for a special lube to ease the pain
(Not afraid)
Of penetration when you bullet fucks my brain


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Penetration di Baseball Gregg:


"Penetration" is a cathartic track that Sam wrote in 2022, shortly after the Club Q massacre in Colorado Springs, where a 22-year-old man killed five people in a gay bar. During that period, they reflected on how their own experience with gun violence affected their intimate relationships. “In moments of stress and fear” Sam said, “my body would react as if there was a gun pointed at me”. Penetration was written to confront those emotions, but also to shout a defiant "fuck you" to fear.


director and cinematographer
Jess Lou

Majed Altian
Tiffany Pech
Dan Rouse
Zak Brizan
Garrett Daniels
Nicholas Coleman
AJ Dietrich

special thanks to
Esme Bitticks
Luis Aspeitia
Misha Kellner-Rodgers
Anna Gunderson

VIDEO Penetration

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La canzone Penetration si trova nell'album Briefs uscito nel 2024 per La Barberia Records, Believe Music Italia.

Copertina dell'album Briefs, di Baseball Gregg

L'articolo Baseball Gregg - Penetration testo lyric di Baseball Gregg è apparso su il 2025-03-05 18:23:48


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