Bento - I need your help testo lyric

28/01/2025 - 12:51 Scritto da Bento Bento 0


I need your help
before the game begins
swear to me you're not lying
just a touch of hands
cause am very stuck

I need your help
I need your help
Cause I’m lost
I need your help
Cause I’m “bug”
I need your help
Cause I’m lost
I need your help
Cause I’m “bug”

I need your help
because you are “pop”
Please come and get me
I’m just in shock!
I need your help
I’m getting stuck
“Give me your shoes”
I want to look like you

Just touch of hands x 4

I need your help
because you are “pop”
Please come and get me
I’m just in shock!
I need your help
I’m getting stuck
“Give me your shoes”
I want to look like you

before the game begins
swear to me you're not lying
just a touch of hands
Just touch of hands
Just touch of hands
Just touch of hands
Just touch of hands


Premi play per ascoltare il brano I need your help di Bento:


La canzone I need your help si trova nell'album I need your help uscito nel 2023 per Last Floor Studio.

Copertina dell'album I need your help, di Bento

L'articolo Bento - I need your help testo lyric di Bento è apparso su il 2025-01-28 12:51:38


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