Bikini The Cat - KO paranagh testo lyric


I thought I knew you but what did I Know?
I'm looking through you where did you go?

You are just a falling star
if you're falling through the sea
well you cannot breath
'cause you've never learned to swim
I know there's no sense
but I do my defense
'cause mary must attack & mary must attack & mary must attack
I know who you are! Who do you think you are?

You've never told us the truth
Here is my violence and my excuse
I have to keep your head and squeeze in two
I have to hold you and love you as I can do

You should get a tea for two
but you got to send a gift
in a week or two But what should I do?
When you dress just like
the man you used to fight
is better to look there
'cause mary must attack & mary must attack
I know who you are You do you think you are?

You're a falling star
You're a falling star
Your eyes are smiling (now that you)
I hold you, I kiss you, thrill me through (thrill me through)
But I can just realize (I know well)
That if I can't have I will kill you


La canzone KO paranagh si trova nell'album Cold water, hot water, very hot water uscito nel 2005 per La Matricula, Venus Dischi.

Copertina dell'album Cold water, hot water, very hot water, di Bikini The Cat

L'articolo Bikini The Cat - KO paranagh testo lyric di Bikini The Cat è apparso su il 2015-04-20 23:30:56


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