Bluvertigo - Always crashing in the same car testo lyric


Every chance,
every chance that i take
i take it on the road
those kilometers and the red lights
i always looking left and right
but i'm always crashing in the same car
jasmine, i saw you peeping
as i pushed down my foot down to the floor
i was just going round and round
the hotel garage
must have been touching close to 94
but i'm always crashing in the same car


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Always crashing in the same car di Bluvertigo:


La canzone Always crashing in the same car si trova nell'album Zero uscito nel 1998 per Noys, Mescal, Sony BMG.

Copertina dell'album Zero, di Bluvertigo

L'articolo Bluvertigo - Always crashing in the same car testo lyric di Bluvertigo è apparso su il 2014-10-04 13:32:19


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