Brain Pain - The Saving testo lyric

23/08/2024 - 17:39 Scritto da Brain Pain Brain Pain 2


Gimme a reason to go on
But First come Down from your throne
To keep in touch with myself
And to give you my best
Keep a secret of mine
And ill be sure you've passed the line
Then i'll be ready For your sound
But please don't let me down

So bring me with you and take me anywhere
Cause Every Place Is good
As long as it’s far from her

Now mother please forgive me
Cause ive done It again
You know i didnt want to
It wasnt my fault but neither yours
Now what should i do?
Where should i go?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Saving di Brain Pain:


La canzone The Saving si trova nell'album The Magazine uscito nel 2024 per Argonauta Records .

Copertina dell'album The Magazine, di Brain Pain

L'articolo Brain Pain - The Saving testo lyric di Brain Pain è apparso su il 2024-08-23 17:39:09


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