Braska - You See Me Standing In The Crowd testo lyric

25/10/2024 - 17:43 Scritto da Braska Braska 2


You see me standing in the crowd

You see me, my eyes are colder than glaciers
My thoughts overwhelm your spirit like triggers
Don’t try to read my mind by judging what I look like
Forget the scratches on my body, now I’m tight
I’m facing a wall I just cannot bring down
Kneels, kick, jabs against it till it hits the ground
Critics bring me down but I don’t need a crown
The world is full of judges and teachers
As if you are under inspection

You see me standing in the crowd
With my blood tears drown
And your minds all blown
In your fire thrones
You hear me I’m thinking loud
I’m brave enough
To speak my mind out
You’ll see what I’m made of with no doubt

Clouds come closer but roads get longer
Underrated peace guns should start shooting faster
Marquees enlightening the town
Should display in one manner
Words and ideas commit into a new channel
I’m fighting into a challenge
Trying to spread humanity
Stop living by casualty
Wondering who’s guilty
For our lack of liberty
Everyday I face this scheme
I have met many dangers
Poisoned them as if they were strangers
Didn’t let them knock and walk to my brain
As if deserts are scolded by pouring rain

You see me standing in the crowd
With my blood tears drown
And your minds all blown
In your fire thrones
You hear me I’m thinking loud
I’m brave enough
To speak my mind out
You’ll see what I’m made of with no doubt

I’ll let my actions do the speaking
And keep on breathing
Start succeeding
I’m not stopping toxicity defeating
I’ll let my actions do the speaking
And keep on breathing
Start succeeding
I’m not stopping toxicity defeating
I’ll let my actions do the speaking
And keep on breathing
Start succeeding
I’m not stopping toxicity defeating

You see me standing in the crowd
With my blood tears drown
And your minds all blown
In your fire thrones
You hear me I’m thinking loud
I’m brave enough
To speak my mind out
You’ll see what I’m made of with no doubt


Premi play per ascoltare il brano You See Me Standing In The Crowd di Braska:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Fuego (di @rockitadmin con 912 brani)


“You see standing in the crowd”, pezzo scritto a 16 anni, nel periodo dell’adolescenza in cui mi sentivo “diversa” a causa della mia passione per la musica che mi ha sempre spinto a ricercare me stessa in una chitarra alimentata dalla mia voce. La valvola di sfogo in cui mi sono rifugiata per evadere da un ambiente circostante che non sempre mi ha fatto sentire compresa. Sono in mezzo alla folla, ma scollata grazie alla musica.


Autori: Braska
Produttori: LoZar
Chitarre: Diego Colletta

VIDEO You See Me Standing In The Crowd

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La canzone You See Me Standing In The Crowd si trova nell'album Rockstar 17 uscito nel 2025 per Tunecore.

Copertina dell'album Rockstar 17, di Braska

L'articolo Braska - You See Me Standing In The Crowd testo lyric di Braska è apparso su il 2024-10-25 17:43:50


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