Braveheart - While the sun shines testo lyric

24/09/2015 - 00:52 Scritto da Braveheart Braveheart 1


Picture yourself in the middle of the road while the sun shines
with no one showing you the way
Kicking the stones seeing
nothing on the horizon for miles
your only option is to pray

Lost in the middle of nowhere
a thousand thoughts
running through my mind
sweating my soul out for hours I wonder
if my feets will bring me
back at home in time

Picture yourself in the middle of the road while the sun shines
with no one showing you the way
Kicking the stones seeing
nothing on the horizon for miles
your only option is to pray

Lost the middle of nowhere
a thousand thoughts
running through my mind

I curse, I kick, the air gets thick
this sultry wheater gives no relief
and there’s no fooling around
when water’s running out

in the middle of nowhere
there is nothing you can say
in the middle of nowhere
there is nothing else to do but pray

Picture yourself in the middle of the road while the sun shines
with no one showing you the way
Kicking the stones seeing
nothing on the horizon for miles
your only option is to pray


Written by S.Banzi - Vocals: Silvio - Backing vocals: Gigi, Gabriele


La canzone While the sun shines si trova nell'album CRITERYOSAURUS uscito nel 2014.

Copertina dell'album CRITERYOSAURUS, di Braveheart

L'articolo Braveheart - While the sun shines testo lyric di Braveheart è apparso su il 2015-09-24 00:52:36


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