Brave New Worlds - Children of Tomorrow testo lyric


In the journey of life, a timeless truth we find,
Children are like stars, with dreams they're designed,
They come through our lives, but they have their own way,
Born from Life's longing, a gift we hold today.

We give them our love, let their spirits take flight,
Their thoughts are their own, shining pure and bright

Oh, children of tomorrow, beacons of our love,
We guide you, protect you, like wings of a dove,
You're the arrows in our bows, soaring to the sky,
In this pop ballad, let your spirits rise high.

We hold them close, their bodies safe and sound,
But their souls are boundless, always outward bound,
They dream of tomorrow, where endless possibilities lie,
In the house of their hearts, where their hopes amplify.

We provide them shelter, a place to call their own,
But their souls dance freely, in a world yet unknown.

Oh, children of tomorrow, beacons of our love,
We guide you, protect you, like wings of a dove,
You're the arrows in our bows, soaring to the sky,
In this pop ballad, let your spirits rise high.

Melodies intertwine, a symphony of dreams,
The rhythm of their lives, flowing like streams,
As life's archer bends us, we find joy in the sway,
For we're part of their story, as they find their own way.

Oh, children of tomorrow, beacons of our love,
We guide you, protect you, like wings of a dove,
You're the arrows in our bows, soaring to the sky,
In this pop ballad, let your spirits rise high.

Oh, children of tomorrow, beacons of our love,
We guide you, protect you, like wings of a dove,
You're the arrows in our bows, soaring to the sky,
In this pop ballad, let your spirits rise high.

So, let our bending in life's hands bring joy and delight,
As we witness their journey, their spirits taking flight,
The children, the bow, together we shall grow,
In this pop ballad, love's melody will forever flow.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Children of Tomorrow di Brave New Worlds:


Fabio Armani


La canzone Children of Tomorrow si trova nell'album aiSongs uscito nel 2023 per Different Lands.

Copertina dell'album aiSongs, di Brave New Worlds

L'articolo Brave New Worlds - Children of Tomorrow testo lyric di Brave New Worlds è apparso su il 2023-01-05 12:58:54


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