Brave New Worlds - Mistfall testo lyric


The beauty of the woods is almost pain in me
the tears begin to run down my cheeks
while humanity is amused to death
and is engaged in a mad rush of self-destruction
now the fog envelops me
Song of Ice and Fire
above the Narrow Sea
I can see
The eternal war between Sun and the Mists
I will dream of being in desolate streets
to observe my image in a mirror
look for you and I
I'll sacrifice all of myself to go back
in a world devastated by the holocaust
in which dark shadows of desolation
they swallow reality
I will dream of this wood again
I will dream of horses
I will dream of the mists rising from the lake as the fog slowly falls


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Mistfall di Brave New Worlds:


- Fabio Armani: piano, organo, tastiere, sintetizzatori, campionatori, programmazione ed ambient
- Lenina Crowne: basso
- Andrea Fenili: voce e cori
- Ileana Baldassi: cori
- Isadora Novakovic’: violoncello
- John (the Savage): batteria e percussioni
- Manuel Trabucco: sax soprano


© testo e musica: Fabio Armani 2021


La canzone Mistfall si trova nell'album iSignals uscito nel 2022 per Different Lands.

Copertina dell'album iSignals, di Brave New Worlds

L'articolo Brave New Worlds - Mistfall testo lyric di Brave New Worlds è apparso su il 2023-01-05 12:58:54


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