Brave New Worlds - Naked Soylent testo lyric


The world network of junkies tuned on a cord of flaccid jissom my frequency led to Jimy H (or John C ... I don’t recall)
I was standing outside myself waiting for ...
I’m a ghost wanting a body ... a fucking body of flesh and blood Outside
Mosaic of sleepless nights
Please feed the solution avoiding splinters glass to fuse my brain
who care of the atom bomb or the virus escaping over purple holes in the room?
I stripped away some characters from my latest novel and crashed them into an overpopulated world
Crazy everywhere
faces, hands that struggle faces hands that look for air food
Vanishing ink faded into the old pawn paper land - I'm writing to weave the fate of their infamous frayed lives
Make room! make room!
Red hot wind envelops everything in curtains of fire Millions of people forced into a megalopolis
in search of the only possible food
Naked Soylent
Naked Soylent
All benches were removed from the sky
Splinters of ice penetrate my mind like fingers of fetid drug, insects of rotting thoughts The study of mental machine is leading us to
hide in the most rotting ravines unable to find a solution to our existential dilemma
Craziness everywhere faces, hands that struggle faces hands that look for air food
Vanishing ink faded into the old pawn paper land - I'm writing to weave the fate of their infamous frayed lives
Make room! make room!
A fog of smog engulfs the city and does not let it breathe Millions of people forced into a megalopolis
in search of the only possible food
Naked Soylent
Naked Soylent
eat yourself
Naked Soylent Naked Soylent
eat your humanity your soul
your brain


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Naked Soylent di Brave New Worlds:


- Fabio Armani: piano, organo, tastiere, sintetizzatori, campionatori, batteria elettronica, programmazione ed electronic
- Lenina Crowne: basso e stick
- Andrea Fenili: voce, cori e chitarre elettriche
- Luciano Masala: chitarre elettriche
- John (the Savage): batteria e percussioni
- Manuel Trabucco: sax soprano e tenore


© testo e musica: Fabio Armani 2021


La canzone Naked Soylent si trova nell'album iSignals uscito nel 2022 per Different Lands.

Copertina dell'album iSignals, di Brave New Worlds

L'articolo Brave New Worlds - Naked Soylent testo lyric di Brave New Worlds è apparso su il 2023-01-05 12:58:54


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