Brave New Worlds - Touched with Fire testo lyric


I. Dichotomy
Another day is gone
in this sphere of dumb desires
another life not lived
in this pattern of false stability
hoping far along - leaving for what? …for what?
fighting for a long time
trying to reach me
frightened to touch you
trying to speak to you
Touched with fire
touched by an unwanted gift
I walk alone in a city of ghosts
A pill in my hands (3000 a year)
to fake another time
a pill in my brain
to fake off me.
I should remember... Today is the commemoration of October 24
about what? of my madness? of your death?
fighting for a long time
trying to reach me
frightened to touch you
trying to speak to you
Touched with fire
touched by an unwanted gift
I walk alone in a city of ghosts
II. Painful Interactions
Dumb as I am
Sometimes I ‘ve tried to ride a normal life
(condemning my art, my music, my soul for splinters of reality)
Fooling me into being like you
Once, like a mad albatross,
I’ve broken my wings into a thousand pieces
to burn them into the fire of creativity
to bury them under ashes of regret
I’m waiting for iSignals of understanding / empathy
I’m waiting for signals of understanding
III. Observing you
dumb as I am
Sometimes, from the top of a tower, my laser gaze observes you
and I wonder if the crazy is me or you!
Touched with fire
touched by an unwanted gift
I walk alone in a city of ghost


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Touched with Fire di Brave New Worlds:


- Fabio Armani: piano, tastiere, sintetizzatori, campionatori, batteria elettronica, programmazione ed electronic
- Lenina Crowne: basso e stick
- Andrea Fenili: voce e cori
- Piergiorgio Lucidi: chitarra elettrica su “Painful Interactions”
- Luciano Masala: chitarra elettrica su “Dicothomy”
- John (the Savage): batteria e percussioni
- Manuel Trabucco: sax soprano e tenore
- Peter Voronov: violino e violino elettrico


© testo e musica: Fabio Armani 2022


La canzone Touched with Fire si trova nell'album iSignals uscito nel 2022 per Different Lands.

Copertina dell'album iSignals, di Brave New Worlds

L'articolo Brave New Worlds - Touched with Fire testo lyric di Brave New Worlds è apparso su il 2023-01-05 12:58:54


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