Gimme love little girl common gimme
you love...Bruscoo..Take off
Rit:gimme love little girl ,i'll never
say goodbye, hold me tight tonight,
gimme love if you love me girl you
give me life, you're the sunshine in
my life, gimme love little girl you
make me touch the sky, i want you by
my side, give me love little girl i'll
never make you cry, when you smile
everything's right.
1: you'll be forever mine baby, everythime
i see your eyes you drive me crazy,
there are no things so may this girl,
you're an angel more than a lady, you
make happy girl you make me strong,
you're the best thing in my life from
the day i was born, you're sweeter
than a pie and you're cuter than a
movie star...so girl you are the one.
2:you give me light you give me sun,
everythime we make love upon this song,
break the bed when i walk upon you
girl, when i'm with you i feel at all.You
know i'm from Rome..you are the nicest
thin i met ..baby i'm your king but
you know you wear the crown, common
you're my queen and i will always be
around, sweetie i will never leave
you alone...
3: call me, call me when you're sad
, you'll always on my mind little girl
remember that, so call me call me if
you're blue everything i want is to
always be there fore you, so call call
me everythime girl i want you're service
everyday and everynight, so call me
call little girl you are the center
of my world..
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Gimme love di Brusco:
La canzone Gimme love si trova nell'album Quattroemezzo uscito nel 2008.

L'articolo Brusco - Gimme love testo lyric di Brusco è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-11-16 15:58:19