Buckwise - Choose to fall testo lyric

21/01/2025 - 23:46 Scritto da Buckwise Buckwise 5


Grow in
Blow tight
Slay down
Be in light

Carry out what’s inside
For all those forces down your mind

There should be grace between the fights
There’s no regrets where there’s no lies
I need to wait
I need to cry
My out is in
I choose to fall

Grow in
Blow tight
Slay down
Be in light

Wait until the shade is out,
Creeping in to burn it out
Go to bring a burning bright
peeking in but there's no light.

There should be grace between the fights
There’s no regrets where there’s no lies
I need to wait
I need to cry
My out is in
I choose to fall


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La canzone Choose to fall si trova nell'album NEON uscito nel 2024 per Artist First, Dischi Uappissimi, Bonimba.

Copertina dell'album NEON, di Buckwise

L'articolo Buckwise - Choose to fall testo lyric di Buckwise è apparso su Rockit.it il 2025-01-21 23:46:35


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