Buckwise - Twin J testo lyric

21/01/2025 - 23:46 Scritto da Buckwise Buckwise 5


Like aphex twin and jerry calà
smoke joints all through the night
(They're) just feeling like never before and then
start laughing and jamming together

why bother fallin’ in love with a glitch, so
with a glitch, so, in love
with a glitch, so

Like aphex twin and jerry calà
smoke joints all through the night
(They're) just putting out a song I adore and then
playing around and gigging together


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Twin J di Buckwise:


La canzone Twin J si trova nell'album NEON uscito nel 2024 per Artist First, Dischi Uappissimi, Bonimba.

Copertina dell'album NEON, di Buckwise

L'articolo Buckwise - Twin J testo lyric di Buckwise è apparso su Rockit.it il 2025-01-21 23:46:35


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