Bumblebees - Delicate Limbo testo lyric

20/11/2022 - 16:07 Scritto da Bumblebees Bumblebees 1


One step at a time
Balancing a narrow line
Is there beauty in eternity?
Is there beauty without some delicacy?

The only constant is uncertainty
Delicious void in a delicate flow
The only constant is uncertainty
Delicious fragrance in delicate limbo

You’re hiding in a crystal sphere
I can sense you in the atmosphere
You’re hiding behind a veil
I can taste you in the air I inhale

An ice cream cone on the street
Is melting in the summer heat
It felt so safe and strong
A second later it’s all lost and gone

The only constant is uncertainty
Delicious void in a delicate flow
The only constant is uncertainty
Delicious fragrance in delicate limbo

You’re hiding in a crystal sphere
I can sense you in the atmosphere
You’re hiding behind a veil
I can taste you in the air I inhale

And we’re always
Balancing between black holes


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Delicate Limbo di Bumblebees:


La canzone Delicate Limbo si trova nell'album Paper Boat uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Paper Boat, di Bumblebees

L'articolo Bumblebees - Delicate Limbo testo lyric di Bumblebees è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-11-20 16:07:28


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