Bumblebees - Waiting List testo lyric

20/11/2022 - 16:07 Scritto da Bumblebees Bumblebees 1


Breakfast in bed, I feel grease on my skin
It’s the alphabet soup dripping on my chin
Eating tasteless letters as a daily routine
But why should I care? I won’t be seen

I’m drifting down, I’m being pushed around
Dissected words falling on the ground
I try to read but feel like a creep
Is there a magic spell, to let me back in?

The sounds I make don’t mean a thing
When there’s no one listening

I’ve been alone for such a long time
I no longer know if I exist
I’ve been alone and I’ve been wondering
Does existence have a waiting list?

What is the worth of a word in the wind?
What is the worth of anything?

Dozens of pages, a letter to myself
Thousands of letters, meant for someone else

I’m drifting down, I’m being pushed around
Dissected words falling on the ground
I try to read but feel like a creep
Is there a magic spell, to let me back in?

The sounds I make don’t mean a thing
When there’s no one listening

(Hey, is anyone listening?)

The sounds I make don’t mean a thing
When there’s no one listening

I’ve been alone for such a long time
I no longer know if I exist
I’ve been alone and I’ve been wondering
Does existence have a waiting list?

I’m drifting down, I’m being pushed around
Dissected words falling on the ground
The sounds I make don’t mean a thing
When there’s no one, no one listening

Such a long time, such a long time…

I’ve been alone for such a long time
I no longer know if I exist
I’ve been alone and I’ve been wondering
Does existence have a waiting list?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Waiting List di Bumblebees:


La canzone Waiting List si trova nell'album Paper Boat uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Paper Boat, di Bumblebees

L'articolo Bumblebees - Waiting List testo lyric di Bumblebees è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-11-20 16:07:28


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