Bumblebees - Your Guess Is As Good As Mine testo lyric

20/11/2022 - 16:07 Scritto da Bumblebees Bumblebees 1


Mama, a friend told me that it’s true
that skyscrapers scrape on the sky
I’m not tall enough to look up there,
Could you please tell me why?

A glance at the stars
From my bedroom window

Yesterday, today was tomorrow
Does it mean that the future is now?

Your guess is as good as mine

A young couple at the traffic lights
I only hear a couple of words
Seems something happened yesterday night
They drive off and I only hear birds

A glance at the world
Through the thin walls of my glass dome

Yesterday, today was tomorrow
Does it mean that the future is now?

Your guess is as good as mine


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Your Guess Is As Good As Mine di Bumblebees:


La canzone Your Guess Is As Good As Mine si trova nell'album Paper Boat uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Paper Boat, di Bumblebees

L'articolo Bumblebees - Your Guess Is As Good As Mine testo lyric di Bumblebees è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-11-20 16:07:28


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