Bushi - A Well-Aimed Blow Of Naginata testo lyric

08/09/2017 - 13:03 Scritto da Bushi Bushi 0


I'm behind the wall
Always near the main way-in
Here it comes my prey


Premi play per ascoltare il brano A Well-Aimed Blow Of Naginata di Bushi:


Bushi is a japanese word for 'Samurai', the military nobility of medieval and early-modern Japan. The whole album deals with key-words of the Samurai world.

Lyrically every song is a little haiku, a short form of Japanese poetry.
Musically is an experiment between roaring low tuned guitars and a vocal approach near the Psychedelia era.


Alessandro Vagnoni: G-stringed guitars, vocals
Fabrizio Baioni: drums
Davide Scode: bass, lead vocals

Recorded, engineered and mixed by Alessandro Vagnoni at Plaster Productions (facebook.com/PlasterProduct…).
Bass recorded by Davide Scode in Milan.
Vocals recorded by Alessandro Vagnoni at Casa della Grancetta (facebook.com/CASADELLAGRANC…).
Mastered by Enrico Tiberi in Berlin at Lullaby Studio (facebook.com/enricotiberido…).

Label: DISCHI BERVISTI (dischibervisti.com)
Press Office: press@dischibervisti.com
Booking: alessandrovagnoni@gmail.com


Alessandro Vagnoni played drums on this album.
Matteo Sideri recorded lead vocals.

artwork by Alessandro Vagnoni
Graphic supervisor: eeviac.com


La canzone A Well-Aimed Blow Of Naginata si trova nell'album Bushi uscito nel 2017 per Dischi Bervisti.

Copertina dell'album Bushi, di Bushi

L'articolo Bushi - A Well-Aimed Blow Of Naginata testo lyric di Bushi è apparso su Rockit.it il 2017-09-08 13:03:48


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