Caboose - Home testo lyric

30/04/2020 - 17:46 Scritto da Caboose Caboose 0


I’ve been down for so long
since the day I left my home
there’s a curse on my journey through the world
I headed west and reached the land
where someone’s life depends on some other’s death
and no-one seems to care

I play the game by the rules
i’ve been cheated according to laws
it was always nothing by my fault
There were many days of sun
there were some evenings full of stars but no light
so clear so far

But a man’s gotta be loved
a brother’s gotta be loved
a mother and father’s gotta be loved
a friend’s gotta be true to me

I trade my roots for some bread
sold my heaven for a ticket to hell
i’ve been taken mistreated and sold
I’ve found a job and made new friends
they talk much better than I can understand
about taking me back -
back home
now take a little chance to be home back home
you know you’ll be alone on your way back home


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Home di Caboose:


La canzone Home si trova nell'album Awake Go Zero uscito nel 2022 per Bloos Records.

Copertina dell'album Awake Go Zero, di Caboose

L'articolo Caboose - Home testo lyric di Caboose è apparso su il 2020-04-30 17:46:15


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