Caboose - Streets I walk on testo lyric

30/04/2020 - 17:46 Scritto da Caboose Caboose 0


Want you please take me back where I belong?
All the streets I walk on keep me away from you
I want to be free, lay my hands upon the ground
you keep my body going, you keep me going on

Don’t you see there’s a blackmail on my will
that holds much more than I can ever get
so you please take me back where I belong
‘cause all the streets I walk on lead me to your hands

I would know you out of a crowd if I could see you
even in another town
I would follow you just to get your sent
I would be ready to change my plans


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Streets I walk on di Caboose:


La canzone Streets I walk on si trova nell'album Awake Go Zero uscito nel 2022 per Bloos Records.

Copertina dell'album Awake Go Zero, di Caboose

L'articolo Caboose - Streets I walk on testo lyric di Caboose è apparso su il 2020-04-30 17:46:15


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