Caboose - Tongue testo lyric

30/04/2020 - 17:46 Scritto da Caboose Caboose 0


Oh, my baby won’t looking cooler dressing better
To remain young forever
She don’t wanna cut her hairs
she just wanna be mi girl

Oh…my baby won’t
Raising children, have a dog
stay in the kitchen all day long
She’s a woman, so wild and proud
she just wanna hanging around

Oh my baby says, my baby says
she don’t wanna go to school
to learn new languages and fit the rules
she’s so black and so nice
she just wanna be on my side

Oh my baby wrote me
Said she’s sorry to have left
but she never liked the west
said she wanna speak mother tongue
find her own place in the world

Oh, my baby


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Tongue di Caboose:

VIDEO Tongue

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La canzone Tongue si trova nell'album Awake Go Zero uscito nel 2022 per Bloos Records.

Copertina dell'album Awake Go Zero, di Caboose

L'articolo Caboose - Tongue testo lyric di Caboose è apparso su il 2020-04-30 17:46:15


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