Caboose - Viva Hobos testo lyric

30/04/2020 - 17:46 Scritto da Caboose Caboose 0


I’m going with the wind, I’m flying high
I’m going with the wind by my side
I’m going so far from my town

I’m walking with my feet, I’m going fast
Smile with all my teeth, they look so white
think I won’t be back for tonight

I went to tell my girl but she was away
told my mother she was not afraid
I told my grandma and all she said was: son, where do you go?
please come back

I’m going with the wind, I’m flying high
I’m going with my heart and my mind
soon I’ll be far from the town
I’m gonna stay away - enough to see you crying over me
If you meet my father tell him I’m ok
If you meet my mother, say a little prayer
If you meet my grandma, please just say:
everywhere I go, I always think of her

Toujours je pense de toi comme un rêves
les chemin de rois sur la mere
je me n’emport pas plus de rien
f you meet my father tell him I’m ok
If you meet my mother, say a little prayer
If you meet my grandma, please just say:
the devil’s got my soul, a woman did the rest


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Viva Hobos di Caboose:


La canzone Viva Hobos si trova nell'album Awake Go Zero uscito nel 2022 per Bloos Records.

Copertina dell'album Awake Go Zero, di Caboose

L'articolo Caboose - Viva Hobos testo lyric di Caboose è apparso su il 2020-04-30 17:46:15


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