Calma, Ora - Plenty To Do testo lyric

03/04/2024 - 17:53 Scritto da Calma, Ora Calma, Ora 0


lightning strikes when it rains
when it rains it pours
when it pours i'm all alone
and down i go
scatter my sorrows
i'm fertile ground
i reap what i sow
i grew so fast
now i grow so slow

plenty to do
nothing to do about it

i coalesce in the shapeless form of a cloud
that i've mistaken for the biggest frown
our imagination contains no bounds
wet circles of stone caress my wounds as i hide from crowds
(tears are shy while i'm pressed for time)
we bleed in the same way
heal in mysterious ways
but i hide from my face
until it goes away
it doesn't matter anyway
it's gonna find me anyday now
rain storming in
but nothing comes out
i soak it all in
but it feels like drought
i've been cheating days
leaving smoke trails around

it doesn't go away
no wind in my sails
no train on the rails
in the periphery of everything
it doesn't go away
no wind in my sails
no train on the rails


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Plenty To Do di Calma, Ora:


La canzone Plenty To Do si trova nell'album Shapeless Form Of Clouds uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Shapeless Form Of Clouds, di Calma, Ora

L'articolo Calma, Ora - Plenty To Do testo lyric di Calma, Ora è apparso su il 2024-04-03 17:53:48


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