PLLAQ PLLUQ (Spaghetti English Version)
Tonight,without money, i leave my country;
i meet Eugene and Tom that gigs! Like a lonewolf monkey,
i peel the old poetry and thanks to dream,i find their links.
I take orekkiette and Amaro Lucano
We drink to health to Papa Rakkina,
to God of the Ucraina,tells:”Give me a ring!”
Pretty time,time,time!Sweet crime,crime,crime!
I've told you: “Fine,all is a Tarallucci&Wine!”
Pretty time,time,time!Sweet crime,crime,crime!
Ik er dreq,Pllaq Plluq,contrabbando and stupid rhymes.
Welcome to Sghisghisgno,muzicanten Squaqquerigno Little Town!
Fighting the Madama is a Drama.I'll sure be down!
Tonight,without money,i catch grass widows
to evoke strange things with Roman birds.
Eugene,that's a king,a genius villacchione,
smoking a gipsy puzzone,tells:“ Tom, give me a swing!
Hey boys ,put silence “ca finemme au gabbione!
You are my Cicerone....It's my destiny!”
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Pllaq Plluq di Camillorè:
VIDEO Pllaq Plluq

La canzone Pllaq Plluq si trova nell'album Graffi e Perle uscito nel 2011 per OTRlive, Universal.

L'articolo Camillorè - Pllaq Plluq testo lyric di Camillorè è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-10-16 18:26:44