Mother Nature Music & Words by Capitano Merletti
Can you heal me?
Mother nature in your majesty?
Can you feel me?
Like a -bloody nail in you
And -you, like a mother
Or a child, or a -child
Can you heal me from the pain
That’s running through my veins in a strain?
My bones, a shacking dance in you
An endless void, as you see, there’s a sun That turns all to sand
Kissed by a moon beam
wet fields of green
And the beauty begins in you While the night falls into blue
Mother nature forgive me
I am lost in time
Trying searching something new
Before i come back to you
Before i will find the truth
Before darkness surrounds everything and you
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Mother Nature di Capitano Merletti:
La canzone Mother Nature si trova nell'album Medusa (Vol. 2) uscito nel 2023 per CD Baby, Pipapop Records.

L'articolo Capitano Merletti - Mother Nature testo lyric di Capitano Merletti è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-12-10 17:32:22