Caravanserai - Idi testo lyric


In this dark and so guilty midnight
Dedalus, spread your wax!
From the maze of your empty obsessions you must get away
Waiting has the scent taste of the morning
Illusion is Absinth
Finally she has revealed the trick
What is used is aimless

In my head there’s an airplane
Silence is too loud
With the creak of these years thrown, she has no memory
Waiting has the scent taste of the morning
Illusion is Absinth
Finally she has revealed the trick
What is used is aimless


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Idi di Caravanserai:


La canzone Idi si trova nell'album Feral uscito nel 2014 per Garage Records.

Copertina dell'album Feral, di Caravanserai

L'articolo Caravanserai - Idi testo lyric di Caravanserai è apparso su il 2017-01-10 12:21:40


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