Carnagie Hall - Ain't Got The World Waiting testo lyric


I’ve been away and trying to
Crucify my mind with 
Thoughts of unrequited love
Where everything it's cruel
And as I realize it's me
The wall that marks the loneliness
I'm waiting standing on my shore
But want to dive the ocean

Doesn't matter if it’s going to hurt
I don't matter if I fall
I’m gonna take this pain 
It sounds sweeter than before
And when I'll do I won't go home
As I have been secure too long
I wanna scream into my 
Wished that I knew more

So don't think too much, cause you know,
You ain't got the world waiting
Everybody claim their course
But there ain't one if you’re still pretending

Out the air is freezing cold
And my breath’s in clouds of 
The sweetest shape of her blue eyes
The rarest wave in ocean
I'm surprised they saw me at all
As if they’re stars that melts the
Snow attached inside my heart
A glance awakes the senses

Doesn't matter if it’s going to hurt
I don't matter if I fall
I’m gonna take this pain 
It sounds sweeter than before
And when I'll do I won't go home
As I have been secure too long
I wanna scream into my 
Wished that I knew more

So don't think too much, cause you know,
You ain't got the world waiting
Everybody claim their course
But there ain't one if you’re still pretending


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Ain't Got The World Waiting di Carnagie Hall:


La canzone Ain't Got The World Waiting si trova nell'album Carnagie Hall EP uscito nel 2015.

Copertina dell'album Carnagie Hall EP, di Carnagie Hall

L'articolo Carnagie Hall - Ain't Got The World Waiting testo lyric di Carnagie Hall è apparso su il 2016-04-14 21:37:34


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