Carnagie Hall - Quit The Lie testo lyric


And you know, I’ve realized
I’ve been running out today,
Along with nothing I desire,
My dreams so far away

Because you know when I’m around
I try to hide myself
From the shits who are walking down
The road of failure

I feel so tired of this
So I quit the lie

And my head is spinning like
Like I don’t know where to go
Map’s confused and I’m just blind
It’s not me anymore.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Quit The Lie di Carnagie Hall:


La canzone Quit The Lie si trova nell'album Carnagie Hall EP uscito nel 2015.

Copertina dell'album Carnagie Hall EP, di Carnagie Hall

L'articolo Carnagie Hall - Quit The Lie testo lyric di Carnagie Hall è apparso su il 2016-04-14 21:37:34


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