Catherine - Party On The Interstate testo lyric


I don't care how blue your eyes are, you'll never get away.
Tongue tied to that spread eagle traffic jam leper,
Its a party on the interstate.
Everyones just pulling in.
Everyones just getting off.
What lies between is just another ride to us.
Don't hold on for too long,
That gal aint what she used to be.
Fast lane to fornication,
Just watch out for spare parts,
Discarded in the frenzy.
Weve been riding this for far too long now.
Just don't be surprised when the wheels are falling off.


La canzone Party On The Interstate si trova nell'album Rumor Has It: Astaroth Stole Your Eyes uscito nel -0001.

L'articolo Catherine - Party On The Interstate testo lyric di Catherine è apparso su il 2003-10-19 00:00:00


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