Chasin Godot - Mirrors testo lyric



“Mirrors and copulation are abominable
since they both multiply the numbers of men”
Wherever I go, I scan blurry lights,
short time to drive, a melting clock time. We're in…
Ich bin Berlin... Past century, while raindrops fall

I wish I fell into the night
I wish next time be better
I wish I'd cry, as moon shines bright
I wish I'd read that letter

While I lunge my hand
What I touch, (it's) just glass
Through a mirror, I can't pass
Another place, another time.. i'll try

Thinking of Rosebud, such a beautiful word
it fits fine with death, nostalgia in the end.
Wherever I go, and beyond a cellar door,
Thinking of time, blowing my mind, crawling…
A bride comes in... A fire within, but raindrops fall

I wish I fell into the night
I wish next time be better
I wish I'd cry, as moon shines bright
I wish our band upset her

While I lunge my hand
What I touch, (it's) just glass
Through a mirror, I can't pass
Another place, another time.. i'll try

Mirror mirror on the door,
Who's the fairest of the world?
(Mirror) mirror on the door,
Which light works and which works not?


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VIDEO Mirrors

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La canzone Mirrors si trova nell'album Mirrors uscito nel 2025 per iMD-Chasin Godot.

Copertina dell'album Mirrors, di Chasin Godot

L'articolo Chasin Godot - Mirrors testo lyric di Chasin Godot è apparso su il 2024-11-26 11:51:32


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