Circle of Witches - Transvestite Beach Bar


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Transvestite Beach Bar di Circle of Witches:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: *principale* (di @ con 4 brani)


(bitrate 128 kbps) Strofa 1 Damned day! I was fucked by my girlfriend, I was joked even by my band mate They left-me alone and depressed on the seaway So I entered in that stinky bar. Chorus I was young, and I was alooooone Oh Yeah! Strofa 2 So much cash for a few smelly glasses, While-I-was-drinkin’ I met a new girl! My brain drowned down into-my-pants, And-soon-we-rushed-straight upstaaaaairs!!! Rit. I was young and I was Alone Deadly young and FUCKIN’ STONED! FUCKIN’ STONED, Yeah! Fuckin’! Strofa 3 I woke up in the rising of the sunshine I find myself among filthy blankets My girl was in the bathroom… (urla sguaiate) WAIT! SHE WAS SHAVING HER FACE AND PISSING STANDING UP…!? Rit. I was young and I was Alone Deadly young and FUCKIN’ STONED! FUCKIN’ STONED, Yeah! Fuckin’! YEAH, UH, WOW!X2 Rit. I was young and I was Alone Deadly young and FUCKIN’ STONED! FUCKIN’ STONED, Yeah! Fuckin’! ALL IN ALL EVERYONE IS A “TRANSVESTITE”! x4 Rit. I was young and I was Alone Deadly young and FUCKIN’ STONED! FUCKIN’ STONED, Yeah! Fuckin’! FUCKIN’ STONED (ad libitum)


La canzone Transvestite Beach Bar si trova nell'album Damage A trois pt1 (Ep) uscito nel 2008.

Copertina dell'album Damage A trois pt1 (Ep), di Circle of Witches

L'articolo Circle of Witches - Transvestite Beach Bar di Circle of Witches è apparso su il 2020-04-04 17:02:39


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