Geometric Plants

Geometric Plants


2024 - Sperimentale, Indie, Elettronica


CK722 is an experimental electronic music project created selecting random sequences. It sounds like a surreal video game soundtrack composed of a mix of modular electronic, MIDI music and Jazz. 

In 2023 the first EP of the project was released on the Apparel Tronic label: "Cryo-EM".
The concept behind 'Cryo-EM' lies in the research, from a sonic perspective, of the microscopic creatures that, although invisible to the human eye, normally share our very same spaces.

In 2024 in the second EP "Biotech Mutation" the concept concerns the creation of compound mutant animals in a biotech laboratory. It was released on the Arthopoda Music label.

"Geometric Plants" is the third EP of the project, and it will be released on October 5, 2024.



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