Droid Tea

Droid Tea

Dadi etro

2019 - Trip-Hop, New-Wave, Electro


DROID TEA è l'infuso androide nel quale potrete immergervi per 33 minuti.
Potrete tuffarvi di testa, surfare sulle sue onde sonore o semplicemente pucciarci il biscotto.
Dadi Etro

DROID TEA is the android infusion in which you' ll be fully immersed for 33 minutes.
You can header in it, you can surf on its sound waves or only dunk your cookie.
Dadi Etro


All Music written and performed by Dadi Etro
Recorded, produced by Lele Brutal Toys
Mixed and Mastered by Francesco "Fuzzy"Fracassi at Quadraro Basement Rome
Cover and Artwork by Eleonora Ballarè


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