Deadline - Do You Think? testo lyric


Do you think things will change - I don't think so
On the outside it's changed - I don't think so
In my mind I'm the same - I don't think so
But the years are to blame - I don't think so

Do you think do you think I don't think so

I don't fit in this skin - In this skin
I wanna send back the packaging
I don't feel like it's mine - It's not mine
Do you think I could turn back the time

Do you think do you think I don't think so

Do you think we can turn back the hands of the clock
and get back to where we started from?


La canzone Do You Think? si trova nell'album Take A Good Look uscito nel 2009.

Copertina dell'album Take A Good Look, di Deadline

L'articolo Deadline - Do You Think? testo lyric di Deadline è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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